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"As a person who is naturally shy I have gone through my own journey to open up as a singer and performer and have great sensitivity to this sometimes delicate process.  I love to help people express themselves and truly shine both on stage and in their life..."


Jenn Barrett 

Vocal Coach/Facilitator

My name is Jenn and I've been a singer for over 25 years. As a vocal facilitator/teacher and mentor, I specialise in guiding and working with singers who are on the brink of discovering their vocal potential, whether they aim to perform, write their own songs or want to share their vocie with the world in some way however big or small.



 I am an active performer and singer/songwriter.  I've had many years experience as a vocalist in a variety of contemporary bands. Currently I perform as lead vocalist and composer of my original Art Pop band Isadora's Dream, as well as being involved with Community Musical Theatre. 


I am also a graduate of the Adelaide University, Elder Conservatorium with a Bachelor Of Music in Pop and Creative Technologies.  I have extensive vocal training including in the Estill Vocal Model and completed the grade level exams through Rock School International offered through AMEB.  I continue to update my skills as a singer and performer.​


What I'm most interested in is helping people who have a voice but have been nervous or afraid of using it.  Singing is such a vulnerable thing and it takes bravery to open ourselves.  This is a journey I have gone on myself throughout my musical career.  It hasn't always been easy.  I was diagnosed with vocal tremor by a specilaist vocal ENT.  To this day I have had to navigate my "handicap" as an artist.  However, it was through this I was encouraged to find the gold in my voice.  This also enabled me to have the compassion and insight into what it really means to sing.


While it's important to develop our skills and technique as singers, its also important to acknowledge that there is more than just technical perfection when it comes to being the best singer and performer we can be.  Everyone has their own 'vocal gold' and my job is to help singers find gold within themselves, and keep striving for their goals no matter what they feel might be holding them back.


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